How To Become A Professional Wrestling Reffere?

WorkHow To Become A Professional Wrestling Reffere?

These referees, managers, or calling them valets are significant individuals in professional wrestling who are present and may be inside or close to the ring during the matches. The referee’s onstage (kayfabe) role is comparable to that of referees during sports like mixed martial arts and boxing in which they can arbitrate regulations and make judgments.

In actuality the referees just like the wrestlers are usually involved in carrying out a match according to its script that also includes its predetermined conclusion. They are also in charge of regulating the match flow and communicating orders or information from backstage officials to the wrestlers. Referees do make judgments in line with the regulations and also they share responsibility for upholding kayfabe with the wrestlers and valets.

Role Of Referees In Matches

Professional wrestling referees are then paid to make decisions (such as the Pinfalls, Submissions, Disqualifications, and Count-Outs) during matches. However, they also have a legitimate job to inform the wrestlers about the match’s progress. Also keeping them informed about the length of time remaining as well as the start and end of commercial breaks on live broadcasts and even if needed helping them gauge crowd reaction and reminding them of the match script.

Additionally, they play a crucial part in making sure the wrestlers are physically fit to finish the match or alert the other team to any kind of potential injury. In order to facilitate communication between them and backstage officials while during matches the referees wear wireless earpieces. WWE referees now carry a pair of latex medical gloves in their pockets to stop the spread of blood-borne illnesses like hepatitis. When a wrestler is bleeding the gloves are placed on by him.

Criteria Of A Referee Selection

Referees are chosen by their employers based on a variety of combinations of factors including height and weight. Typically the referees must be no taller than six feet and weigh no more than 180 pounds and typically should have non-athletic physiques. WWE refs Mike Chioda and Charles Robinson are two such examples of this.

This disparity in size exists just in order to draw attention to the stature, bulk, and strength of some of the bigger wrestlers and make up for their lower stature. If you are finding more and more interest in how to become a qualified referee then you must keep reading further.

Tips To Become A Professional Wrestling Reffere

Here the article has highlighted all the strategies and pathways that will lead you towards the professional wrestling referee journey.

1. Enroll In A Professional Wrestling Program

You should look for the website or phone number of a wrestling school online. Many of them like Lance Storm Wrestling Academy and Killer Kowalski’s Impact Wrestling School are run by respectable professional wrestlers.

However prior to registering for any lessons you must accumulate some cash in the form of crypto like Litecoin or Bitcoin that you can purchase securely and fastly via CoinGate using your credit card with a simple verification process. This will help you to avoid any sort of fraud while you make transactions to your training school. Because certain universities might be expensive like the official WWE developing territory, Florida Championship Wrestling charges $1,500 in tuition.

The training methods employed for another seasoned performer will differ from those utilized for you if you have little to no experience. So as much as you can do training. Acquire the knowledge to assemble and disassemble the wrestling ring. Get to work in promoting live events.

2. Work Out In The Gym

Maintaining a high level of cardiovascular fitness is very essential to keep up with the action. Strength training is also essential because you may be required to execute exercises on your own and continue eating a balanced diet.

In wrestling remember proper nutrition is equally as crucial as it is for athletes in other sports. You would get lethargic and feeble if you were not putting the proper nutrition into your body. Diets high in protein and low in fat are highly advised particularly because you would also be exercising to get in shape but make sure you get enough rest.

You will need to re-energize your body because of the physical strain that training and exercise are putting on it.

3. Record Your In-Ring Performances On A Videotape

WWE must be knowing very little to nothing about you unless you are in FCW. Your training school probably has videotapes of your performances if it hosts live events. You give the footage to the WWE in the mail form.

It’s quite likely that one of your trainers or the promoter of the school knows someone who works with WWE which can be a plus point for you. So in order to get your work noticed by a global entertainment corporation such as WWE, AEW networking is a must.

4. Getting Expert

You must ask the officials about the job path in professional tournaments. Try to help a promoter out with some event-related duties. Find out what a successful pro manager recommends doing.

Make appropriate preparations for it. If they are in need of employees and individuals have informed them they believe in you then there are high chances that you will be hired.


Make sure you know the rules better than anyone else particularly the ones pertaining to unusual events as an expert referee. If you get in the spotlight then you make the right choice at that particular time because you might end up on network TV and a mistake could put an end to your career. Therefore put in your amateur experience and ensure that you are very well versed in the work.

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